Afterschool Art


Grades K-8: Our Afterschool Art program features continuously ongoing classes throughout the school year. Enrollment goes through Memorial Day! Our program will have art show events in early March & early May.

Our signature Afterschool Art classes are full at this time. We may have a couple of openings in March! –> click here

Please email with your child’s name & grade if you are interested in joining the afterschool program this winter.

We have new classes available for grades 3-6 with openings! Scroll down… 

Classes incorporate drawing, painting, collage, and a little bit of sculpture by incorporating a wide range of art materials, techniques, vocabulary, design concepts, and problem solving.

Afterschool art classes run continuously throughout the year, mid-September until Memorial Day Weekend.

Students have their work featured in 3 art shows during the school year!

  • November (Thanksgiving week)
  • early March
  • our special Beep Beep community event in May

Classes incorporate drawing, painting, collage, and a little bit of sculpture by incorporating a wide range of art materials, techniques, vocabulary, design concepts, and problem solving.

You may unenroll/pause for 1-3 months by emailing by the 15th of the preceeding month.

Here’s a little helpful info about the way we set up our afterschool class schedule & maintain our positive studio culture:

Our afterschool classes include children from multiple grade levels. A lot of thought and experience has been applied to our 2024-25 schedule & age groupings.

We meet each child where they are with their technical skills. Then we challenge them from there. Thus a child’s “talent level” does not impact class placement. More importantly, knowing the grades of the children helps us create the most comfortable, positive social & learning atmosphere.

We appreciate you being honest with the grades/ages of your children and registering for the appropriate grade. If breached, we do reserve the right to cancel registration as stated on the registration page. We appreciate your cooperation and enthusiasm for our afterschool program! 

Monthly tuition October-May is $120/month. This includes all materials.

We do not provide credit or make-up classes for absences/missed classes.

You may unenroll for the rest of the school year or pause for 1-3 months by emailing by the 15th of the preceeding month.

NEW! HCA is opening a second location. We have added new classes for grades 3-6 at the HCA Design Lab in Wickford! Click here if you are interested in joining us. 

Scroll down for class listings!

Displaying Artistic Talents

At Harbor Creative Arts, every young artist’s work is a gallery-worthy masterpiece. We celebrate their vision, fostering a community of proud, confident creators.